Best Laptop Repair Service Center in Manikonda, Hyderabad
Laptops have always played an important role in our lives be it office work or anything. Laptop gives students the flexibility and freedom to work on their academic assignments whenever, wherever. Laptop brings with it a convenient luxury, it helps you to bring your work with you. In the recent times after the outbreak of covid everything turned online, be it work from home or online classes , laptops and computers have become a necessity. Now, just imagine your laptop just crashed and maybe you have an important job to do or maybe an important assignment now what to do?
Don’t worry Sri Sai Infotech has got your back, located Kondapur It has a prominent name in Hyderabad for its quality services in repairing and fixing laptop and computer related issues of all brands. Sri Sai Infotech is the company which not only provides you with its efficient services but it is also pocket friendly. It is the best service in Hyderabad, specialized in the chip level repairs for all major brands like Hp, Dell, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, Apple, Acer, Toshiba etc. It is a one stop solution for all your laptop and computer related problems.
Now the question might arise that amongst number of companies why to choose Sri Sai Infotech the answer is simple – trust and quality service. With the years of hard work and dedication Sri Sai infotech has gained trust from its customers. The customers have always been delighted with the services. There are number of frauds you might face during your laptop services for example charging high money but installing low quality parts, duplicate material, robbing original parts telling false problems etc but Sri Sai Infotech is free from all such frauds it prioritizes customers satisfaction ensuring to provide fool proof services.
Brands We Serve
Sri Sai infotech is the best Computer and Laptop service centre in Manikonda it deals with vide variety of models namely –
Our Repair Services
It helps you with problems such as
- Hinges repair
- Power section
- Dim display
- OS problem
- Display problem
- Data recovery
- Charging Section Problem
- BGA network
- Motherboard repair/replacement
- General service
- Power/DC jack repair
- Touchpad repair
- bottom base repair
- Touchscreen problem
- OS support
- OS corrupted
- Laptop body change
- Overheating services Bios problem
- Ram section Services Hard disk problem
- Adapter replacement and service
- Blue Screen
- Wifi not working and many more
Best Laptop Repair Service Center in Manikonda
Dealing with number of problems with all the models leaves no chance for you to not contact Sri Sai Infotech.
- They have free pickup service so your valuable time isn’t wasted and once your laptop or computer is fixed you are informed via phone call, sms, and Email so that you can pick it up or get it delivered at your doorstep.
- Sri Sai Infotech is a customer oriented service thus, it believes in customer satisfaction
- They keep 100% transparency in their work. They provide you with the correct information regarding the faults, give you an estimated budget for the repair, and wait for your agreement before proceeding.
- They are an assuring company using the genuinely high-quality spare parts of laptops or computers.
- They have a team of professionally trained technicians in Laptop and computer repairing.
- All the engineers are exceled in their own domains leading to no compromise in the service provided.
- Sri Sai infotech values your time thus small reapirs are done within a day in case the service is time consuming they keep you updated with the progress details via sms, phone call or email.
In a nut shell, With Sri Sai infotech you are assured with quality service without any underlying frauds and worries!